How to stay safe on winter roads


The weather is changing, morning commutes start by scraping ice off our car windows, and people are anxiously awaiting (or dreading) the busyness of the upcoming holidays. All of these factors lead to hurried driving and the increase in the potential of a motor vehicle accident, whether on the road or in the parking lot.


It’s true! In 2017, ICBC reported nearly 150,000 crashes occurring in parking lots alone, causing 5,400 injuries and numerous insurance claims. Additionally, ICBC reports say that 4 out of 10 drivers say they feel less confident in their driving abilities in the winter time, and 7 out of 10 feel more at risk and irritated by the actions of other drivers on the road. It’s a risky time of year, and no one likes dealing with the aftermath of an accident.


If you are involved in an accident, we can help with recovery. When you’re involved in a motor vehicle accident, you are entitled to physiotherapy treatment under ICBC. Give us a call and ask about our ICBC patient process.


So, here are 5 ways that we can all be more mindful in preventing car accidents this winter season:


1.     Winterize your car:

  • Winter tires give more control on icy roads (and they might also be required where you are).

  • Keep a spare ice scraper in your car.

  • Extra precaution: top up your windshield wiper fluid with approved winter washer.


2.     Proper timing:

  • Give yourself an extra 10 minutes in the morning to defrost your car.

  • Leave earlier and have more margin for potential traffic when getting to work or the mall.

  • Drive slower so you can be more aware of the road conditions.

  • Pull your shoulders away from your ears to release tension in your body.


3.     Work in a walk:

  • Park at the back of the parking lot if you can. Enjoy the fresh air and few extra steps.

  • Parking away from the front doors helps you avoid squeezing around cars and worrying about hitting another car or an unaware pedestrian.


4.     Stay off the road!

  • When the weather is wild, consider taking public transit, carpooling, or calling a taxi.


5.     Holiday grace:

  • Remember that everyone has places to be and additional stresses in their life around this time.

  • Instead of getting bothered by other drivers, try giving them some grace, staying calm, and going about your day as normal.

  • Take it slow in the parking lot and on the roads. Your time is not worth more than another person’s life.


This winter season, let’s all think twice before heading out on to the road in a hurried manner. Let’s enjoy the upcoming holidays and make sure everyone can get to work, shopping, or home safely!

Robbie de Fleuriot